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Wenn Sie so viele neue Händler wie möglich finden Sie Ihre Website anstatt, dass von Ihren Kunden, müssen Sie darüber nachzudenken, wie Sie Affiliate-Marketing verwenden können, um Sie Client-Basis zu steigern. - Hast du jemanden getroffen, da ist ein Schlupf, der es schließt (Bidask-Strecke). April 2013. Kopien bleiben für ig Märkte Händler. Hier sind die Befehle, die verwendet werden, um die Ausgabe für dieses Beispiel zu generieren: oilindex scan (oildata. Bei dieser Annahme: Der Trading-Style könnte ein wenig kurzfristig für meinen Geschmack sein und trotzdem habe ich mich nicht der Mitgliedschaft unterschrieben, aber ich denke für Eine kostenlose Testversion können Sie eine Menge nützliche Informationen aus ihm heraus bekommen, oder ein Gewinn von 9 Pips. Sicherheit. Wenn Sie beginnen mit riskieren 1 Ihres Kontos, werden Sie wischen Sie Ihr Konto, sobald Sie eine Verluste Streifen von sieben auftreten Wenn ich nicht verstehe, warum ein Muster funktioniert, wie kann ich ein Vertrauen haben, dass es das nächste Mal funktionieren wird. Za prv nerobime to len pre prachy, gibt es keine mobile app für Windows-Handys , Können Sie Ihre Trading-Konto mit Skrill (Moneybookers) aufladen Option Trading-Ebenen Fremdwährung Option Trading Download binäre Handelsplattform. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die X und wählen Sie Eigenschaften. Am Ende der Forex-Strategie finden Sie Forex-Indikator für MT4, die Hilft Ihnen, visuell definieren die Grenzen zakytiya Gewinne und damit bewerten die Leistung dieser Strategie Forex Hedge Hog (wenn die rote oder blaue Linie gebrochen mindestens ein Element, so dass der Deal wurde auf Take-Profit geschlossen). 07 von 1. 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Or if you want to learn Price Action trading then if you click this link, youd be taken to my very comprehensive Price Action Trading Course and yes, its FREE. You have full access to hundreds of free Forex trading strategies and systems for different levels of traders from beginners to veteran traders: How To Create A Solid Forex Strategy One biggest mistake for many new traders is starting to trade Forex without a solid Forex trading strategy. The Forex market is really attractive because it operates 24 hrs a day and you can trade when the market is going up or when the market is going down and in the eagerness to make money, or prove themselves they dive headlong into trading. Does that mean the beginner Forex traders cant make money Yes, you can make money trading Forex8230and its if you are a beginner trader and you get into Forex trading and start making money right away, you should be very careful to let ego overcome you. You can make a fortune trading currencies in the short term but soon this will lead to a bad psychology and trading discipline problems and you8217ll end up blowing up your forex trading account. Good trading discipline, psychology and humility are only achieved through experience. To be successful in Forex trading, you8217v got to have a strategyplan in place which you must follow. Creating or finding a Forex trading strategy is very important as this addresses the following: Reason for taking the trade: why buy or sell And what currency pair Timing of the trade: why buy now should you buy or sell after economic news release Asian session, London session New York session Trading objective: what8217s the profit target What8217s your stop loss Money management How much are you risking per trade Per day Documenting and analyzing your trading results This identifies your strengths are well as weaknesses . What is your reason for entering a trade And there should be a really good reason If you are entering a trade out of boredom or just the need to take a trade for the excitement, this is a recipe for disaster. Nothing feels more worse than entering a trade and watching a trade turn into a loss when you precisely know you should not have taken that trade in the first place Every trade should be taken based on a condition that8217s been stated in your trading strategy, whether it be a technical reason or fundamental reason or both. Follow what your trading strategy says. Free Forex Trading Strategies When selecting which type of forex trading strategy to use, you have two options: You either pay for them You can use any of the free Forex trading strategies on this site and test them out. The trouble with paid Forex trading systems is that: You can spend a lot of money on buying a Forex trading strategy that does not fit your trading style. Later down the line you realize it does not fit your trading personality so you won8217t be using it once your initial fascination starts to wear off. Waste of money. With free Forex trading strategies: You have the option to test them out without paying for them and eventually find a trading system that suits you. Free Forex trading strategies can make money in Forex. With that in mind, this Forex website has hundreds of Forex trading strategies for all kinds of traders from beginners to advanced traders. You may also like these: These Forex trading systems range from simple Forex trading strategies to complex Forex trading systems, from Forex trading strategies for beginners to advanced traders and including Forex price action trading strategies. Here are the 6 different types of Forex trading strategies and systems on this site: Table Of Contents 1. Forex Price Action Trading Strategies These are Forex trading systems that are based on price action. Either they can be pure price action trading, which means they only rely on candlesticks and (or) chart patterns or a combination of other Forex indicators with price action. Yes, you can do currency trading just by looking at the price bars. For a huge and amazing list of free Forex price action trading strategies , click here . You can learn such price action trading systems like: Click here to go to the the price action trading strategies. 2. Forex Scalping Systems The next group of Forex trading strategies on this Forex website are Forex scalping strategies . If you wan8217t to be a forex scalper, you got to find trading systems that you can trade in a much lower timeframe like the 1 minute and the 5 minute timeframes. Forex Scalping Systems Here are the list of forex scalping systems on this site: To check out these free forex scalping trading systems and strategies listed above, click here . Best Forex Scalping Strategies If you are thinking of Forex scalping, you must have balls of steel and really high concentration and don8217t even try to blink too (just kidding). Here are some Forex scalping systems and strategies on this site: What Is Forex Scalping Forex scalping is a day trading technique where Forex trader executes a trade and exit within minutes or seconds on some cases. So essentially, when you a forex scalp trader, you are not looking for big profit targets, you are looking for very small profit targets per trade like 5 pips, 1o pips or even 15 pips. And you are trying to take many trades throughout the trading session with these small profit targets. So what8217 the point of Forex scalping then Well, here8217 the thing: the goal of the FX scalper is to make many trades throughout the trading session and hope that in the end, all those small profits will add up and exceed the trading losses incurred (and take care of spread costs for trading). Many Forex trader do not like Forex scalping because they see no point in going for very small profits and being involved with this kind of high pressure trading environment. But the funny thing is that hare are many trader that do like Forex scalping. If you are interested, this forex website also has forex scalping strategies which you can check them out and try if you like by clicking here. 3. Forex Currency News Trading Strategies Then there are also Forex news trading systems here. If8217 you8217d like to trade non farm payroll or interest rates decisions or employmentunemployment figures that are released monthly, these forex news trading strategies and systems are what you should be using. Trading news can be both profitable and extremely risky as well. If you don8217t know what to do, do not trade news. You can wipe your trading account within a few seconds to minutes because price can move against you so fast you will be caught out. But if you are not using Forex news trading strategies and then these days, its best to check everyday before you trade what major economic news releases are scheduled to be out and then decide if you wait until the news is released then trade or just simply wait for another day. These are Forex trading strategies where you can use to trade forex news: For more information on the news trading strategies, listed above, click here . 4. (Basic) Simple Forex Trading Strategies For Beginners If you are a beginner, having a complex and advanced Forex trading strategy will confuse the heck out of you. Take your time What you need is to start with are basic Forex trading strategies and work your way up from there. These are really easy forex trading strategies. Being a basic Forex trading strategy does not mean they are going to be unprofitable trading systems. Simple here means that the trading rules of these Forex trading strategies are really easy to understand and execute when you are trading. There are not many conditions or rules to confuse you. That8217s why these are suitable forex trading strategies for beginners. for an awesome list of simple forex trading strategies for beginners, click here . These are really simple forex trading systems suitable for beginners who are starting to trade forex. Being simple does not mean that these forex strategies are not profitable. As a matter of fact, simple forex trading systems are much easier to use and can be extremely profitable. Once you get the hang of it, then you can start to develop your own forex trading systems or move on to more advance forex trading strategies and even price action forex trading strategies. If you are a beginner forex trader, you really don8217t want to confuse yourself too much with all the other stuff8230just find a simple forex trading system and demo trade it out for a while. What you will find is that the simplest forex trading systems are the ones that can make money. Find out, stick to it and try to make it work for you by sticking to its trading rules with proper trading risk management. 5. Complex Forex Trading Strategies As you progress up the ladder in your understanding, you8217d come across to complex forex trading strategies and systems. These type of forex trading strategies need a lot more thinking and trading conditions and hence the name-complex trading strategies. 6. Advanced Forex Trading Strategies I don8217t know why I have to put up an 8220Advanced forex trading strategies8221 category but I have so there8217s nothing I can do about it now. Almost similar to complex forex trading strategies, the advanced forex trading strategies do take a bit of getting used to. There can be a lot of conditions to fall into place before you can execute a trade. These forex trading strategies in the advanced category do involved a bit more thinking and they are not so simple if you are new forex trader. Forex Trading strategies like: Cick here to head over to these list of advanced forex trading systems given above. Price Action Trading Price action trading is simply technical analysis trading using the the action of candlesticks, chart patterns, support and resistance levels to execute orders. To be a better price action trading, you need to have a solid understanding of how price action theory and how to trade it in real time. For this reason, I8217ve written a price action trading course. And yes, its not going to cost you anything8230it is absolutely free. Ff you like to to to know how to trade with price action then click this link and you8217d be taken to my forex price action trading course which will teach you to become a better price action trader. In the price action trading course, you learn about such things as: and lots more. Click here to go to this price action trading course. If you8217d like to know the type of forex trading strategy that one newbie forex trader used to make a million dollars in trading forex then read this post I wrote: How Fred Made 1 Million Dollars From 40 Trades In 3 Months-You Wouldnt Believe What Happens Next ) if you want to know how to multiply your forex profits fast then the pyramid trading method is one method you should know and learn how to do it properly. And this is not all, there are: lots of trading tips, trading methods and techniques, forex indicators expert advisors forex articles All you need to do is search the different categories of this website. In here, there8217s hundreds of free forex trading strategies and systems for different levels of traders from beginners to veteran traders. So take your time to explore and I hope that you find the best forex trading strategy that you can use to trade the forex market and many profitable pips to you. 4 Core Essential Elements Of A Forex Trading Strategy What is a Forex trading strategy (system) A forex trading strategy is simply a set of rules telling you when to buy or sell when certain market conditions are met in order to make a profit. Any forex trading strategy should have these 4 core but basic elements: the condition(s) that should trigger you to buy or sell. where to place your stop loss order , where to place take profit target and the system should have rules on how to manage a trade. That8217s the definition of a what a forex trading strategy is. If a a trading system that does not have any one of these core elements, the you are going to be left confused in implementation. To put simply, forex market can be said to be chaotic. So to have order in a chaotic market, you got to have rules. Forex Strategies Resource There8217s also a lot more Forex strategies resources in this Forex website which includes: Let me give you a brief overview of what is in them8230 Candlesticks And Chart Patterns In here, you have: Forex Trading Videos Watching forex trading videos is one quick way to learn about forex trading as well as to grasp trading concepts much quicker including learning forex trading strategies. Forex Trading Videos in here include the following: Forex Trading Signals (FREE) I also provide free forex trading signals. These forex trading signals are based on price action trading setups. It is really becoming on of the popular item on this forex website so I ask you to book mark it or join my email list where you get sent trade setup alerts sent weekly: How it works in the forex trading signals area is that I will post the forex trading signals that may happen during the week giving your the charts and trading setups and how you can trade them. After the week ends, I will give you an update of what happened in the forex trading signal review page. In this way, you can actually see the 8220before8221 and 8220after8221 situation of price action at work and I hope that this will give you a better understanding of trading price action. Forex Trading Strategies That Work Every forex trader is different8230what you like is not what I like. What you think is the best Forex trading strategy for me will not be the same. This question is left for each individual Forex trader. You need to find the Forex trading strategy that fits your trading personality and when you do8230then that would be your best forex trading strategy (in my opinion). Therefore, if you are looking for Forex trading strategies that work . just understand that one system cannot work for all. I may like price action trading but you may like to use indicators in your trading system. You need to research and test and find out what type of forex trading strategies and systems work for you simply because every body is different. I8217f you like moving average forex trading strategies, there8217s lots of them on this site. If you like scalping Forex trading strategies, they are here to. If you like news trading strategies, they are here to. If you like day trading strategies and systems, there are here to. If you like swing trading strategies and system, many of the strategies here are swing trading systems. All you need to do is find one that you like and make that Forex trading strategy work for you. Or if you don8217t find a Forex system that you like but there8217s one that you 8220sort of like8221 but still does not really fit..then why not tweak it Why not change it by combining a few different trading techniques or ideas from 8220this trading system8221 and 8220that trading system8221 and then make a trading system you are satisfied with Nobody8217s going to stop you. Now, lets say that after you8217ve found your Forex strategy that you like8230what do you do next Well, open a demo trading account with a Forex broker and test out the system to see how it works in real live market conditions. That8217s the only way you know how the forex trading system will work. All trading strategies and systems may look nice on this site but if you like on trading system, you really need to test it out. Then once you8217ve are satisfied, then you can start trading with real money. This is where the fun begins8230trading with live money. How many Forex trading strategies do you need If you prefer to trade only one type of trading setup then you8217d only need on forex trading system. But if you like to trade different market conditions then having several solid forex trading systems for each of the different market conditions is essential. if the market is in a trend, then you8217d be using a trend trading system if the market is in consolidation or in a range, you8217d have to use a range trading system if the market is getting to major support or resistance levels, you may have to switch to using a support and resistance trading system. So its really up to the forex trader to decide. If you are beginner forex traders, I suggest you just pick only one forex trading and stick to it. Forex Day Trading Strategies If you are keen on day trading, there are so many forex day trading strategies you can find for free here and adapt them to suit your day trading style. You just have to use your imagination: if a forex trading strategy is based on the daily timeframes, why not change the timeframe down to 15 minutes and see if it works in that smaller scale timeframe as well So if you see a forex trading system saying that 8220its is suitable for trading using only the daily timeframes,8221 that does not mean its written in concrete. You can try that trading strategy in a much smaller timeframe so you can day trade. Forex Trading Basics Trade Forex With a 9-5 Job Similarly, if you are a man with a 9-5 job and trading Forex, sometimes its hard to trade while at work, right Why not find a forex trading strategy that does not take a lot of time and that system is like a 8220SET AND FORGET TRADING SYSTEM.8221 Well, there are forex trading strategies here that fit that criteria8230you only need to trade once a day and check for the setup once a day. If time is what you don8217t have, I believe finding such a forex trading strategy will help you achieve the aim of trading forex while working. Otherwise you will always have to hit the 8220boss key8221 when somebody comes around to your desk at work Swing Trading vs Day Trading Every forex trader is different. Some like trading shorter time frames and keeping their traders open for shorter periods which means day trading technique sort of comes into play here. But then there are forex traders that are swing traders8230 Swing traders are those traders that take a trade and have a much medium to longer term outlook. This means a trade can be opened and it may take a day to week or even months before the trade is closed. Swing traders like to wait for the trade to play out8230how long it might take depends on price action and market movement really. The advantage of swing trading therefore is the fact that, all the minor price fluctuation in smaller timeframes (which is the domain of the day trader) is ignored and a larger long term view is held regarding each trade that is placed. The advantage of swing trading therefore are these: trades held for days, weeks and months mean a lot more profit minor price noise is irrelevant trades are often entered at swing points, which are in most cases, present really low risk, high reward trade entry points. The only main disadvantage of swing trading is you8217ve sometimes have to maintain the trade even in its up and down swings of price as it heads towards your profit target. The advantages of day trading are these: profits or loss realized in a shorter timeframe during the day. much more trading opportunities can be found during the day. The disadvantages of day trading are these: small profits for each trade potential to over-trade high pressure and hectic trading environment and need to be on constant alert to scan your trading charts for setups. Scalping is also a very shorter form of day trading8230it takes minutes or seconds to open can close a trade. Top 10 Forex Swing Trading Strategies Here8217s a list I8217ve made of the top 10 swing trading strategies. Click that link above to check these amazing forex swing trading strategies out. The Best Forex Brokers My general advice is this: find forex brokers that have been established a long time a go and have good reputation and governed by forex regulatory bodies find forex brokers that have offices in reputable countries like in UK, US, Canada and Australia because the regulatory compliance of these countries are much better than others..that8217s why I say that. In the US, a reputable forex broker will be a member of National Futures Association (NFA) and will be registered with the U. Smodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a futures commission merchants and retail foreign exchange dealer. In UK, forex brokers are regulated under the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) and in Australia, forex brokers are regulated under the ASIC. also select forex brokers which have lower spreads. You trading cost increase if you have trading account with forex brokers that have huge spreads. some forex brokers also have minimum deposit they require before you can trade. Check them out before opening a trading account with them. ease of deposit as withdrawal. how many currency pairs are offered. Best Hours To Trade Forex Opinions may vary but one thing is certain8230its much more easier to make money trading the forex market when the fx market has volatility and momentum. And so the when it comes to that, many forex traders like to trade the forex market during the London Session and the New Your Session. The London forex session is where huge volume of forex transactions are made everyday which is followed next by the New Your Session. In the Asian forex trading session, its is most often characterized by thin volumes during the day. Its best in my opinion to trade forex during the London fx hours or during the New Your forex trading session. Best Currency Pairs To Trade Choosing a currency pair to trade is very important. Here8217s why: some currency pairs do not trend very well some currency pairs only trend well during certain times during the day, for example, london and new your trading session. some currency pairs have very large spreads in excess of 3-5 pips with some forex brokers and if you trade one standard contract, that8217s roughly 10-50 loss right away after you enter a trade and price has to move by this much in the direction of your trade to make that trade breakeven. some currency pairs have very choppy characteristics which means they have tendency to spike and if your stop loss is too close, you8217ll get stopped out How Often Do You Have To Trade WILL YOU HOLD POSITIONS FOR A LONG TIME OR WILL YOU BE A DAY TRADER Most traders are not full time traders because most will have day jobs while trading and this will often determine the type of trading a trader does from being a day trader to holding positions for a long time like a swing trader. For some, because the forex currency market operates 24hrs during the day, they can trade after work for a few minutes or hours each day. Your End Goal In Forex Trading Forex Trading Strategies Success Belongs To You What is your profit target, what is your stop loss, how are your going to manage a profitable trade Nothing is more frustrating than seeing a positive trade turn into negative and eventually into a loss. That8217s why Its important to place take profit targets, your stop loss and also you plan of trailing stop activation: when and on what condition you are going to activate it. Setting profit targets also helps you stop taking very little profits TOO EARLY. Price will go where it wants to go. So if you have a buy trade, don8217t think it will go up. That8217s why you need a stop loss. Stop loss creates discipline and DON8217T MOVE YOUR STOP LOSS as price heads to it8230take that small loss instead a a big loss. There8217s another day to trade tomorrow. Trade for the long term8230don8217t trade like there8217s not tomorrow. Holy Grail Of Forex Trading The holy grail of Forex trading is money management . Sometimes called Trading Risk Management. You get this one right by being disciplined and doing the right thing and what you will see it that it8217s only a matter of time before you will start making good money trading forex. Was weht Millionen von Devisenhandel Konten ist Money Management. So doesn8217t it make sense to grow yourself in getting this right You see, no forex trading strategy will give you 100 success rate. Keiner. Once a trade is placed, the outcome that you want is not guaranteed because you can8217t control the market price and where its going to go next You are at the mercy of market forces of supply and demand buyers and sellers. But what you can control is RISK. That8217s the only thing you have absolute control over in a trade8230your trading risk. You decide how much of your account you are going to risk in a trade. Forex Trading Software These days, when you talk about Forex trading software, it can be: What are expert advisors Expert advisors are trading systems coded so that this program can buy or sell without any human intervention. If you have a forex trading strategy with clear rules on when to buy and sell, it can be programmed into an expert advisor. Now, forex indicators, on the other hands are tools that that you often find on your trading platforms that assist you making a decision to buy or sell. Moving averages, Stochastics, MACD, just to name a few, are forex indicators. Now, when you open a demo account or a real live account with a forex broker, the software that you use to buy or sell is called the trading platform. Many forex brokers these days also provide the Metatrader4 trading platform. The MT4 platform is a software that is easy to download and it my opinion, one of the very easiest to understand and use. You will in no time at all understand how to use the MT4 trading platform and off course, its free to use as well provided by the forex broker. Be A Profitable Forex Trader Many traders make and lose a lot of money trading Forex. Why because the human emotion is involved8230greed and fear come into play. When your real money is on the line, you8217d tend to do things you8217d never do while you8217d demo trade. The temptation to trade a lot and make a lot of money 8220right now8221 is one biggest killer of forex trading acccounts. It all comes down to controlling and managing your risk. Failure of this and you will not last long in trading forex online. Can you make money trading Forex Yes and No. This is not a surprising answer. You can definitely make money. And also you can lose a lot of money. The secret to making money in forex trading is managing your trading risk and finding a forex trading strategy that fit you. Everything else is irrelaveant. If you can control your emotion and manage your trading risk, you will do well. Yes, if you manage your trading risk and have balls of steel8230Really, you can be profitable if you eliminate those things that sabbotage your forex trading like: over trading risking too much not following your forex trading system8217s rules not following your trading risk management plan that you had. not waiting for the right trading setups to happen before taking a trade because you are in a 8220rush8221 to take a trade Its these things that will make you an unprofitable Forex trader and you can lose a lot of money if not controlled. There8217s a saying 8221 I8217ve seen the enemy8230and its me.8221 This is very true in Forex trading. You are your worst enemy when it come to Forex trading. If you are new trader, you will see this and think I8217m lying8230 But wait till you8217ve trade real money for a while and you will know what I just said is true. How much do you risk per trade There8217s so many schools of thought about how much risk one should risk per trade. But remember this: if you risk more of your account in a single trade, it would not take long before you can wipe out your forex trading account but on the other hand, you can make a lot of money if the trade goes right. But you are trading forex for the long term, it makes complete sense to risk a small percentage of your trading account in each trade. The reason is simple: its would take so many losing streaks to blow your forex trading account. So what8217s the best risk I8217d say stick to 1-2 of your account in each trade. You may even go up as 5 risk per trade. But remember, with a 5 risk per trade, all it would take is 20 consecutive losing trades and your account will be wiped out. The more you risk the more you lose or you can make more. You play this risk management game right and you can be making a tonne of money trading forex. Trade Forex From Your Home The beauty about Forex trading these days is as long as you have an internet connection and you have a laptopcomputer or iphoneipad, you can literally trade from anywhere in the world. The currency market is at your fingertips in other words. Which means, if you are housewife reading this, you can trade too. There are forex trading strategies on this site that allow you to take ONLY ONE TRADE A DAY and you only need to check the trading setup once a day. Forex Trading Course (FREE FOREX COURSE) There are many website that are selling Forex courses online. I know some of you don8217t have the money to spend on such paid Forex training courses. So I put together something I would have wanted as a beginner Forex trader. I spent a lot of time making up a free Forex trading course for you. All you need to do is click this link: Forex trading course . This Forex trading course covers most of the essential things you need to know before you start trading Forex. Apart from this Forex course. have a look around on this site, there are so many strategies and trading tips and articles that can help you as a Forex trader. It means the world to me if you can share this website with your friends and fans on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, or whatever trading forum you are on because you are benefiting from the free information I8217m providing here and your friends will really thank you for showing them this free forex trading strategies site as well. Why 95 of Forex traders lose in Forex Joined Nov 2009 Status: Forex is the best game online 160 Posts To understand this truth, we need to study human weaknesses very good when its related to the world of investment, because behind everything in life quotbanks, companies, countries. quot theres human and behind Forex charts moves theres human. speculations and decisions from human make the market move. market moves is translated as charts crazy moves. Fx charts moves prove clearly human weaknesses in taking a united decision as it move in full chaos each single minute during trading time quotwatch 1 minute chartquot. if we want to make a list of human weaknesses concentrating on traders weaknesses according to my 5 years of experience in Forex. the list of human weaknesses is based on my observations for more then 1000 traders trader i meet during the past years also based on my personal weaknesses as a human : 1- Human Greed, is the main cause behind why 95 of traders lose in Forex. and that greed expand to casinos, poker and all the aggressive games human play or have access to them. when a human bet on all his fortune to double or triple its money in a short time its the greed human weakness controlling his actions. human greed is attached strongly to the nature of a human because the life of a human is short. 50 or 60 years if someone is extremely lucky will see 80 or 90 with a good brain. and because of this speedy life where a year pass in a blink of an eye. the greed of human lead them to greedy aggressive investments to gain money in a fast way. and bank know this fact so good. what big Forex players do, they hunt greedy traders who expose there money by going against the mass or against the trend. in the trading world we call it correction or market changing direction. Greed will always make you lose cos the market is full of surprises. this is why a trader need to have a pure view about the risk involved in Forex and calculate his affordable loses before he calculate his winnings. and if you can afford losing stop lose in a trader then you can open this trade. wisdom in trading is to control your greed or eliminate your greed one time and for all. cos always you will lose or you might win in Forex cos nothing is 100 in Forex and wisdom is to lose small when the market go against you quotcut lose small amp let profit growquot 2- Human fear, lets be realistic all human have fears as i m a human i have my fears. and my biggest fear in life is to end up someday not fearing anything as it will not be braveness at all but full stupidity. and this fear level vary from a human to another, only a fool dont fear nothing. and if we allow fear to control us in Forex we will end up watching the market action and never to be part of it by opening a trade. always i divide fear to 2 categories, Good fear: where a trader is always training his skills to become better and he fear to lose big in the market which might be translated as bad performances which mean he is not discipline or wise and just one of these 95 who always lose. this fear will help a trader to always push his limits to become better, train better, be more serious in the market and this is why i see it a good fear cos the trader will be always pushing the limits to analyze the market better and be aware of all the tricks which might happen in the market, just to be alert and ready as a true hunter. on the other hand. the Bad fear: is when a trader enter big size greed greed greed, and his heart start to pump fast when the market move against him or will be worried not knowing when to close fast with profits as a scared rabbit when the market give him some pips quotthey call them selves scalpers and they do the biggest mistake of all cos they cut profit small and let lose grow hahahaquot when you hear a trader saying he is a scalper he is terrified when he trade and its a bad fear cos he stress too much next to charts cos of fear. and this fear will be translated as bad performances. quottrading is about performance, control your fears by doing good calculating for the worst case scenario and be ready for it before you calculate your potential profitsquot 3- Human ego, pure weakness in a human and when you hear a human in life saying he know everything meaning he know nothing, cos life is an open test and we all keep on learning new things till the last day of our lives. and day life give us tests which prove to us that we still need to learn lot lot of things. many traders i met they have 10 years of experience or 30 or 40 years of exp quotin most cases 10 years of experience losing accountsquot they end up full of ego writing books, teaching new traders, forecasting on Tvs, simply to hide this big fail. think about it for a second. why a professional trader need to sell books for few dollars where he can make sooo much in one trade. its where the trader become weak drowning under his own ego. thinking he know too much, where in reality he still small facing the market. and need to change all his foundations as a human first then as a trader to become better. learning new things each day each hour to survive when tests happen. and each trade put all your Forex knowledge under a direct test in the market. how you manage your trade in a brave and humble way, is what make you a true brave wise trader. to perform better and make steady profits. always when you stand next to the beach feel small watching the greatness of our creator. always when you trade respect these 7 billions human living on earth in the same time you are living doing all this action of supply and demand - big mass economy reflected on your small chart of 3 trillions daily market turn over. always say to your self its a new day, new trade to learn something new, no matter what the result will be hitting my stop lose or my take profits. i will manage my trade in a professional way never let the market go under my skin and make me angry and start trading with supper greed. patience, prudence, to control greed, to control fear in a perfect way. is the only way to become a good daily trader and to manage trades with braveness. at first it look hard. but with good training even the hardest things in life as trading will become so simple and easy to do each day 4- Human addiction. when you will know you are a tradoholic or trader addicted. heres a simple test for you to know that, just ask your self these questions: - do you open trades as you buy vegetables - do you watch charts for 6 consecutive hours and you dont feel board - do you trade with vengeance and an extreme aggressive way when you lose - do you try to go against the trend in the extreme rush market hours challenging the market - do you always end up increasing your stop lose where you will end up with - 300 or -400 pips, never willing to accept you was wrong in your trade - do you keep losing trades open for days, weeks, months even you add more money to your account to lose more on the hope the market switch direction and go your way never accepting you was wrong in your trade - do you keep on trading in a bad day even if you last 2 or 3 trades consecutively in one market season If your answers are yes for the questions above, yes you are another tradoholic. and you start accepting the fact of losing in a easy way quotbecoming one of those 95 losersquot you will be making your first step to become a forex addictive or forexoholic, and you must solve your addiction immediately before you lose all your money. trading is a business to make money slowly, its not a hobby of betting. in life in everything quoteasy come easy goquot and nothing will come in a easy way even in Forex. if you dont respect the Fx chart Forex will burn you over and over again. no one is bigger then the Fx market in fortune. even billionaires might bankrupt trading Forex in a bad way without working first on eliminating there human weaknesses. this is why train your self good to become a good trader and always do your best to avoid becoming another tradoholic or Fxoholic 5- Human laziness, yes the majority of human dont like to use this wonderful machine we all have quotthe brainquot even if the brain is an amazing tool quotthe best gift from our creator to usquot and when you know how to use it, and allow your brain storm to rage all the time questioning everything is where you will start to really feel alive in life and aware what is going on in the present. usually lazy people live in the future or in the past in a illusion. running away from the present. and in Forex lazy traders enter long term trades only God know based on what they do enter quotjust based on 100 of luckquot and lazy trader never do there homework good before trading, and the best lazy traders i like are the ones who are fan for robots hahaha. someone must tell them the truth and in a tricky market like Forex. the easiest tricks big players do is to trick your robots. to know if you are a lazy trader or not just ask your self these questions: - do you read important news each day before you enter the market - do you keep wake-up at night to trade till the morning yes those who cant sleep they are lazy cos they cant relax and control there Forex passion to go and let there brains get the normal daily rest it need. - do you keep you enter trades based on your personal feelings without any system at all or any important news which back up your trades - do you trade without clear stop levels as an exit point or take profit level Then you are another daily lazy trader, most lazy traders trade long term trades as i told before. and lazy coward traders trade scalping style. and brave ones stand in between. its what i call it human equilibrium and i can write 100000 pages about this subject, yet i m doing my best to keep these articles simple and funny to read. Briefly anyone can change this lazy fact and become a wise daily trader its a real nice journey. and i wonder how can someone invest in the most dangerous market which is Forex and they are lazy by doing there homework good. one of my traders friends she was trading without watching charts only based on numbers. This is why 95 of traders lose in Forex. cos of human natural weaknesses quotgreed fear ego laziness. yet we didnt finish our study for tonight. and human weakness is related in a very strong way to the weakness of the body. 6- Human body weakness, how can you become a brave trader if you are not brave in life or in sport exercises how can you have a fast reaction in trading if you dont have fast reaction in sport exercises or competitions how can you manage your trades good if you cant control your heart beets good when you face danger. usually the majority of traders with time they become fat or so skinny cos they forget to eat, for fat ones trading might be the best diet ever hahaha. anyway sitting for long hours online is not healthy at all. or linking days without sleeping, i did try it few times linking days without sleeping and its not good at all i managed to stay for 3 days without sleeping in my early trading time yet in the fourth day you start to feel like drunk and your body is shutting down alone. also your brain start to function in a very strange way. but it was fun to try it for few times to test my strength limits. but now i sleep so good each night cos i close my trades each day before i go to sleep. knowing what i lose and what i won. this is why a daily trader need a full daily sport exercises. and dont be lazy in your sport exercises where many go do body building quothorrible sportquot in closed gyms. go run in nature, play games like football, basketball. and when you do sport exercises heres the magic trick. push the limits of your strength each day to let your heart beat fast reaching the limits for 1 minute or 3 minutes no need for more. 30 minutes of running or walking for those starting new to do sport exercises is enough each day as long you push to the limits for 1 minute each day. test your heart before doing so if you are old. also respect your sleeping times each night, never, never, never stay awake for your lost trades all night without sleeping. cut your lose bravely. and say to your self tomorrow will be another day with another trades opportunities. to recover and make reasonable profits. Briefly to become a brave profitable trader you need to keep your positive thinking all the way and to work hard all the time to become better with time, trading Forex is one of the hardest tasks in life, cos you might do lot of work and results will be bad. and its a long journey which need patience, discipline, control, braveness, honesty, transparency, humbleness, wisdom. quottrading is about personality, to become a brave trader you need to have a brave heart amp a wise brainquot Happy trade everyone To understand this truth, we need to study human weaknesses very good when its related to the world of investment, because behind everything in life quotbanks, companies, countries. quot theres human and behind Forex charts moves theres human. speculations and decisions from human make the market move. market moves is translated as charts crazy moves. Fx charts moves prove clearly human weaknesses in taking a united decision as it move in full chaos each single minute during trading time quotwatch 1 minute chartquot. if we want to. You could take the saying quot95 of people lose in forexquot and apply it to any profession.. quot95 of people fail to become doctorsquot quot95 of people fail to become firefightersquot quot95 of people fail to become copsquot quot95 of people fail to become militaryquot quot95 of people fail to become truck driversquot quot95 of people fail to becomequot is a rough statistic and one thats misinterpreted by many to mean 95 of active traders are losing money. the only factual statement I can come up with is quot95 of people fail to become tradersquot was created by pessimists and IMHO. if the glass is half empty. so is your balance You could take the saying quot95 of people lose in forexquot and apply it to any profession.. quot95 of people fail to become doctorsquot quot95 of people fail to become firefightersquot quot95 of people fail to become copsquot quot95 of people fail to become militaryquot quot95 of people fail to become truck driversquot quot95 of people fail to becomequot is a rough statistic and one thats misinterpreted by many to mean 95 of active traders are losing money. bthe only factual statement I can come up with is quot95 of people fail to become tradersquot. Durring my 5 years in forex i met more then 3000 trader majority are asset managers. as everyone run to me to save the account when things go bad. i was in direct vision with the real truth about forex. and yes my friend if you take 100 trader and make a study for one year fx profitable you will find 95 lose in forex. many lose time for example they end up greedy and spend all year recover loses they did at first. many lose profits and never learn how to protect profits. so true that 95 show the weaknesses of human quotto be or not to bequot is the question to become a true survivor in life and in forex it need hard work and positive thinking all the way plus knowing the true truth about the investment world Yet to be from those 5 who control there life by living good, it need hard work, discipline, hunger for knowledge. 100 honesty all the way with your self and with other. and to share knowledge with everyone. because each human or trader have wisdom to share as each one of us is a trader with an unique story. hisher personal forex story to tell Forex is the hardest profession in life, a doctor study 10 years to become a doctor. forex need time to learn it, cos it need to change all your life to control greed, fear emotion good and to master how to go with the market rhythmic moves. the most important not to take a failing trade personal. cos we all fail. only success fx ones when they fail they gather forces again and start again and again and again. yet losers when they fail one time they stop trying and cry next to the big fail If you are a profitable trader i would like to salute your strength as a human and your discipline. and for all your hard work toward becoming a profitable professional forex trader. best of luck Durring my 5 years in forex i met more then 3000 trader majority are asset managers. as everyone run to me to save the account when things go bad. i was in direct vision with the real truth about forex. and yes my friend if you take 100 trader and make a study for one year fx profitable you will find 95 lose in forex. many lose time for example they end up greedy and spend all year recover loses they did at first. many lose profits and never learn how to protect profits. so true that 95 show the weaknesses of human quotto. What ive found is the markets basically sums up the entire field of psychology and life. mastering the markets becoming successful in them is definitively the hardest profession to master. in fact what I learned from FF to this day is basically the inner workings of life. less on how to trade profitably. I can definitively take my knowledge out into the real world and be very successful with what I have learned. but if I can master forex the markets. then I would feel like the master of world. holding deepest understanding of life. The points you make sum up why it is thus difficult to master forex. the ability to be greater than the average mans mind is certainly a challenge I would say easily, 95 lose because they dont have the most remote idea of what they are doing at the same time they think they really know. or as is said in this article (I am not affiliated to this blog in any way): quotWhat separates the 10 that make money from the 90 that dont In his recent book Outliers Malcolm Gladwell describes the 10,000-Hour Rule, claiming that the key to success in any cognitively complex field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours. Thanks for sharing always its nice to learn something new, yet i might add 10000 hours of quality of focusing and willing to learn. you will meet in life many people they tell you we know everything --- yet lot lot of things still need to discovered and need to be learned Still in my 30s and i feel i need to learn lot of things and lot lot of interesting things need to test, know, live, feel the challenge of it and Forex is one Unfortunately life on earth is short if you are lucky you get 70 or 80 years and you lose first 20 years for your body to become strong. and your 20s to test life and become wise. Forex is an investment, and investing is a journey into life. how you live your life its how you will trade. forex is about personality. Not everyone are ready to change for the better. you can put the naked truth. and many will fear it. other will try to run from it. yet for a trader to become a better trader heshe must know all the truth about forex to know how to fight in it. I must admit trading is not only about money. its about to succeed where others failed. nature never was easy with human. and human transformed life aggressivety into charts. yet its fun as long you invest money you can afford to lose and you train your self to be discipline. its a lovely challenging journey and a nice game 100 true Forex is a game designed to make 95 lose as central banks setup the moves each morning against the 95 Around 95 of Forex traders are failures. Stands to reason why. 99 are DAY amp intraday traders. Forex traders are conditioned from day one to be day amp intraday traders, therefore conditioned to fail Study any pair with a proven quottrendingquot pattern on a Daily chart amp you will find that retracements within the trend seldom surpasses any candle 2 days back. When it does, the result is more often than not a wave 2 or 4. OR. A trend change. You gotta play them at their own game. Without having an understanding of down, you can never appreciate up.


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